Balanced treatment of autonomic disorders

Teraligen® (alimemazine) 1-19
– due to the action on many receptors of the central and peripheral nervous system (multimodal mechanism of action) reduces or completely eliminates the manifestations of autonomic somatic, as well as behavioral, anxiety-depressive disorders.
Having in its arsenal a number of pharmacological properties that are fundamentally important for the clinic, and thanks to its polysystem action, the drug quickly gained popularity and firmly established itself in therapy both in adults and in children in the treatment of various diseases and disorders, and above all in neuropsychiatry, as well as in surgery, anesthesiology and dermatology. Alimemazine has a rich and diverse base of clinical research, as well as a huge experience of practical application.
The drug has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of:
- vegetative disorders – is a powerful vegetative corrector;
- anxiety-depressive, behavioral disorders, manifestations of stress, emotional tension, neurosis, anxiety, fear (phobias of various origins), hysteria, hypochondria, etc.;
- sleep disorders, circadian rhythms and sleep architectonics – acts as a hypnotic (shows a calming and hypnotic effect);
- allergic reactions of various origin and localization (respiratory tract, skin) – has an antihistamine effect and properties of an antiallergic agent;
- spasms, pains, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs - this allows it to be used in the complex therapy of functional disorders;
- fluctuations in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, pain, spasms in the chest – contributes to the successful therapy of cardiovascular diseases;
- manifestations of vomiting and cough – has antitussive and antiemetic activity (affects the cough and vomiting center of the brain);
- muscle spasms, tension and excessive contractions, tremor (trembling) of the limbs or trunk – antiparkinsonian, antispasmodic effect.
The drug is indicated for adults, the elderly and for children from 3 years old (according to a number of indications), it is available in three dosage forms: 5 mg tablets, retard (film-coated tablets with prolonged release) 20 mg and a solution for intramuscular administration - 5 mg / ml.
Having a low risk of drug interactions, Teraligen® is easily and safely combined with various medications and treatment methods. High efficiency, favorable safety profile allow various specialists to widely use the drug in their therapeutic practice.
1 Instructions for medical use of Teraligen® (Alimemazine) (tablets).2 Instructions for medical use of the drug Teraligen® (Alimemazine) (solution for intramuscular administration).
3 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH PANECTYL (Trimeprazine Tartrate) 2.5 mg and 5 mg Tablets Antipruritic – Antihistaminic 8250 Décarie. 8250 Décarie Blvd, suite 110. Montréal, QC. Canada, H4P 2P5. Date of revision: December 11th 2015.
4 Par Adolfo Fernandes-Zoila, Le Tartrate D’Alimemazine en pratique psychiatrique ambulatoire, Entretien therapeutique, 1961.
5 YAKHNO N.N., PARFENOV V.A., REYHART D.V., BELOSTOTSKY A.V., ARNAUTOV V.S. Multicenter non-interventional prospective observational program for studying the practice of prescribing teraligen® in patients with a diagnosis of vegetative disorder (START-2: Russian experience of using the Russian-language validated version of the 4DSQ questionnaire. Intermediate analysis). Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 5, 2015.
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