Estores cognitive functions from the first tablet

Dosage form
Active substance
100 mg

Phenotropil® – this is an original nootropic drug with INN fonturacetam.
Phenotropil® was developed for Soviet cosmonauts in 1983 at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The legendary "medicine for the mind", which was a priority choice among nootropics for most prescribing specialists.
Phenotropil® has a complex mechanism of action, which includes nootropic, adaptogenic, antiasthenic, antidepressant, neurometabolic and neuroprotective actions.1
- Promotes memory consolidation1
- Facilitates the learning process1
- Increases concentration1
- Increases the body's resistance to stress under conditions of excessive mental and physical exertion1
- Improves physical performance1
- Improves psychoemotional state1
The effect of the drug Phenotropil® occurs within an hour after administration.2
The average course of the drug is 1 month, taking 1-2 tablets a day.1
Phenotropil® restores cognitive functions from the first tablet. 1
1Instructions for medical use of the drug Phenotropil®. V.I. Akhapkina, T.A. Voronina. PHARMATECA No. 13 — 2005
2The time to reach the maximum concentration in the blood Tmax is 1 hour