Reduces dementia risk factors

Dosage form
Tablets dispersed in the oral cavity, No. 30
Active substance
Melatonin+ Memantine
3 mg + 5 mg

Miladean ® is an original drug pathogenetic action, has successfully completed a full cycle of preclinical and clinical studies and is able to improve the state of various domains of the cognitive sphere and the quality of sleep. The drug is indicated for the treatment of mild and moderate cognitive impairment in adult patients1,4.
The properties of the drug are manifested due to the synergy of pharmacological effects of active substances, thanks to which Miladean ®️ affects the main mechanisms of cognitive disorders that can progress to the degree of dementia5.
- Affects the pathogenetic mechanisms behind the clinical manifestations at the pre-segment stage, namely: reduces excitotoxicity, reduces neuroinflammation and endothelial dysfunction1.5
- It acts at the level of domains of higher cognitive functions, such as memory and visual-spatial orientation4.
- Corrects disturbances in the architecture of sleep at the pre-segment stage, improving cognitive functions3,4,6
- Improves sleep quality, restores circadian rhythms and increases daytime cognitive endurance3
Method of application of the drug1:
2 tablets dispersed in the oral cavity 1 time a day (in the evening) for 8 weeks.
1 General characteristics of the drug Miladean LP-No.(002110)-(RG-RU)
2 Zakharov V. V. Prevalence and treatment of cognitive disorders in a neurological clinic. Results of the All–Russian PROMETHEUS study //Consilium medicum. – 2008. – Vol. 10. – No. 2. - pp. 114-7.
3Ishikawa I, Shinno H, Ando N, Mori T, Nakamura Y. The effect of memantine on sleep architecture and psychiatric symptoms in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Acta Neuropsychiatr. 2016 Jun;28(3):157-64
4RCT Clinical Trial Report No. 186 (04/07/2021) Evaluation of the efficacy, safety and tolerability of Miladian ® and Acatinol Memantine in patients with mild and moderate cognitive impairment syndrome against the background of chronic cerebral ischemia
5Zakharov V.V., Yakhno N.N., Reyhart D.V., Zakharova E.K., Arnautov V.S., Zharkovsky A.M. Combination of memantine and melatonin in moderate cognitive impairment in old age: possible clinical prospects // Neurological Journal. 2013. №6.
6Pro L. P. F., Con L. M. Should melatonin be used as a sleeping aid for elderly people? //Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. – 2019. – Vol. 72. – No. 4.