An innovative drug indicated for long-term use in patients with multiple sclerosis

This is the first and only drug in Russia for the treatment of walking disorders1-4
Kinezia® is a non-selective potassium channel blocker that improves nerve impulse conduction along demyelinated fibers.1-4
Kinezia therapy®in patients with multiple sclerosis improves:
- walking and motor functions1-4
- cognitive functions3
- quality of life3,4
You have Kinezia® convenient reception mode — by use: 1 you tablet 2 you times in you day regardless of after meals.A prolonged reception was possible.5-6
1Instructions for medical use of the drug Kinezia®.
2GRLS data from 02/19/2021https:// /.
3Stolyarov I.D., Petrov A.M., Boyko A.N. Efficacy and safety of Kinezia (fampridine) in the complex therapy of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakov. 2020;120(11):45-52.& nbsp;you are using HTTPS: /
4Clinical trial report. A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled multicenter study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Fampridine, film-coated, prolonged-acting tablets, 10 mg as a symptomatic therapy drug in patients with multiple sclerosis, 2019.
5Goodman A.D., Betoaks F., Brown T.R., etc. Long-term safety and efficacy of dalfampridine in walking disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis: results of open extended two phase 3 clinical trials. Multiple sclera. 2015 September; 21(10):1322-31. DOI: 10.1177/1352458514563591
6Filly L., Zorner B., Kapitsa S., etc. Monitoring of the long-term efficacy of fampridine in patients with multiple sclerosis with gait disorders. Neurology. 2017;88(9):832-41. < a href="">