It is an original medicine for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders with a novel antioxidant mechanism

Dosage form
tablets and solution for injection
Active substance
Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine malate
100 mg

Ethoxidol® – promotes cell survival, reduces the effects of ischemia (lack of blood supply) and helps restore neurological and mental activity.
Indications for use:
- coronary heart disease (as part of complex therapy);
- complex therapy of ischemic stroke;
- dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
- mild and moderate cognitive disorders.
Key advantages:
- restores its own antioxidant system of oragnism1-4;
- gives 2.5 times more energy (ATP*) to cells with ischemia1-2, 6-11;
- penetrates the blood-brain barrier better3-5;
- has an antihypoxic effect3,4,6,14;
- improves rheological properties of blood3,4,6,14;
- has a hypolipidemic effect3,4,6,14;
- does not cause cell death in conditions of ischemia and hypoxia7,11;
- allows to compensate for malate deficiency in ischemia7,12,13.
* ATP - adenosine triphosphate.1 Katsunori Shijo. Metabolic fate of glucose in rats with traumatic brain injury and pyruvate or glucose treatments: A NMR spectroscopy study. Neurochem Int. 2017 Jan; 102: 66–78.
2 Cerdán S. Twenty-seven Years of Cerebral Pyruvate Recycling. Neurochem Res. 2017 Jun;42(6):1621-1628.
3 Instructions for medical use of the drug Ethoxidol® solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
4 Instructions for medical use of the drug Ethoxidol® chewable tablets.
5 Amber Dahlin. Expression Profiling of the Solute Carrier Gene Family in the Mouse Brain. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2009.
6 Dadasheva M.N., Taranenko N.Yu., et al. Pathogenetic therapy with a new domestic antioxidant Ethoxidol in cerebrovascular disease. Bulletin of Family Medicine No. 1-2 – 2015.
7 Chinopoulos C. Which way does the citric acid cycle turn during hypoxia? The critical role of α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex. J Neurosci Res. 2013 Aug;91(8):1030-43.
8 Pyruvate recycling in cultured neurons from cerebellum. J Neurosci Res. 2007 Nov 15;85(15):3318-25.
9 Bricker DK. A mitochondrial pyruvate carrier required for pyruvate uptake in yeast, Drosophila, and humans. Science, 2012.
10 Metabolic fate of glucose in rats with traumatic brain injury and pyruvate or glucose treatments: A NMR spectroscopy study. Neurochem Int. 2017 Jan; 102: 66–78.
11 Preservation of complex I function during hypoxia-reoxygenation-induced mitochondrial injury in proximal tubules. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 286: F749–F759, 2004.
12 L-Malate's Plasma and Excretion Profile in the Treatment of Moderate and Severe Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats 2016.
13 Intravascular volume therapy in adults Guidelines from the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany 2016.
14 Sernov L.N. et al. The results of the study of a domestic drug, an antioxidant of the second generation – ethoxidol. Ed. and with the participation of: acad. RAS, Prof. Archakova A.I., acad. RAS, merit of a scientist, Prof. D.M.N. Kukesa V.G., Assoc. Dmitrieva D.A. ANO International Association of Clinical Pharmacologists and Pharmacists. 2014.