January 25th – Student's Day
On January 25, Russia celebrates the Day of Russian Students, officially established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2005.
The student period is perhaps one of the most memorable and touching periods in the life of every person. However, this is a time not only of friendly parties and fun, but also of colossal brain activity.
Due to the heavy academic load, a huge amount of information is piled on the shoulders of young people, which is necessary both for the successful passing of exams and for mastering all the subtleties of the future profession.
The period when students are most exposed to stress and fatigue is traditionally considered a session. In the desire to get the coveted credit, young people try to adhere to the rule: "Hope for yourself, but believe in omens!". What students don't do to get the coveted credit and pass the most difficult exam: they shout loudly three times through the open window: "Freebie, catch!", and put notes with textbooks under the pillow, and get up in the morning with their left foot.
Well, in general, one hundred percent sign of successful completion of the session is high–quality preparation. And to do this productively and without harm to health, you can use vitamins and nootropic drugs that will help improve memory and facilitate your preparation.
No fluff, student!