From migraines to panic attacks. What can stress lead to and how to protect yourself from it
December is the time of the New Year's rush, when every day is loaded with chores and worries that you want to complete this year without "shifting" them to the next year. And how much, in addition, still has to be done to celebrate the New Year — from buying gifts to thinking over the festive table. At work, there are traditional New Year's deadlines in connection with summing up the results of the year, accompanied by a mountain of reports and urgent closure of current tasks. In short, there are a lot of things to do in December. And you're afraid you won't make it. Here are friends and relatives moaning: there is no strength, hands are falling, nerves are to hell. The growing level of anxiety is also recorded by statistics: according to a VTsIOM study, almost 60 percent of Russians in 2022 faced stress due to the unstable situation in the world, problems with work, financial difficulties.
More details:https://vm.ru/society/1021525-ot-migreni-do-panicheskih-atak...